We are a band of thinkers, strategists, designers, technologists, filmmakers and writers. All of us are optimists at the core.

We believe the value of a brand should shine through every last detail. And your value proposition – the answers to why you exist and what you have to offer – has to be made magnetic. Perhaps you’ve already uncovered answers to the core questions that drive your business. But how are you differentiated from your competition? What are you doing to engage, educate and excite the people you want to reach? How do you capture your audience, wherever they may be?

Grain can help. It starts with a powerful strategy. Then you need great content, design and video. These things can make the difference between merely snagging someone’s attention for a fleeting moment, and engaging their attention long enough to compel action. Design and moving images select the audience. The right content brings them home. And the right medium and technology makes it all work.

At Grain, our devotion to craftsmanship shines through every touch point your customers have with the work we create. But we never lose sight of your goals. We’re focused on holistic, creative solutions that cultivate customer loyalty and lead to sustainable growth for your organization.

We love what we do, and it shows. Groucho Marx said “If you’re not having fun, you’re doing something wrong.” At the end of the day, our hope is for you and your customers to experience what we feel during the creative process: pure joy.